Embarking on blockchain development


Learn the skills you need to start building your own blockchain networks at the right scale.


General information about the use of blockchain
Learn how blockchain protocols provide trust. Learn how to evaluate blockchain usage scenarios and decide if it’s right for your solution.

What is blockchain?
How blockchain works
Types of blockchain
When you should use blockchain
A knowledge check

Principles of Solidity programming
This section covers programming smart contracts for the Ethereum blockchain platform using the Solidity language.

Creating Ethereum smart contracts using Solidity
Information on how to install and use smart contract development tools.

Creating tokens with OpenZeppelin
Learn about the importance of tokens and their use in the blockchain.

Creating a user interface with decentralized applications
Decentralized applications and creating your own decentralized applications.

Connecting and deploying to Ethereum networks
Learn about using Ethereum networks for development, testing, and operation.

Learn the basics of blockchain and how blockchain technology works.
Gain an understanding of the development tools on the Ethereum blockchain platform.